
A Short Description:

SimCad is a structured clone detection tool. That is, it detects clones as code fragments (e.g., function or code block), the boundary of which are predefined during the source code pre-processing step. The tool provides both a command-line and a graphical user interface for its user. Detection outcomes can be varied by providing input to several parameters exposed through the user interface. There is also an external configuration file namedsimcad.cfg.xml that provides more configurable parameters with their default values. Users can modify these parameter values to fine-tune the overall clone detection process. The clone detection result is exported as an XML file to a location specified by the user, otherwise, toa system defined location relative to the given source location.


Md. Sharif Uddin,Chanchal K. Roy,Kevin A. Schneider

If you want to Cite:

@inproceedings{uddin2013simcad, title={Simcad: An extensible and faster clone detection tool for large scale software systems}, author={Uddin, Md Sharif and Roy, Chanchal K and Schneider, Kevin A}, booktitle={2013 21st International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC)}, pages={236--238}, year={2013}, organization={IEEE} }